How to Help Your Birds During Winter

You can help your birds stay warm by offering the right foods that have an attractive blend of fat, protein and carbohydrates.

Downy Woodpecker on Suet

High-fat Foods for Feeder Birds

  • Offer suet, Jim’s Birdacious® Bark Butter® and blends with nuts to help birds, such as woodpeckers, chickadees, nuthatches, titmice, wrens and others, maintain their high metabolic rate.
  • Suet is a no-mess, high-fat food that attracts nut- and insect-eating birds.

Nyjer® (thistle) for Finches

  • Nyjer is 50% fat and protein, and it’s a favorite of goldfinches, Pine Siskin and Purple and House Finches.
  • Nyjer has a thin shell that small-billed birds can easily open - saving them time and energy as they eat their food.
  • Specially designed to hold small seeds and accommodate small-billed birds, our EcoClean® Finch Feeders are the best feeders for offering Nyjer. They contain antimicrobial product protection, and their Quick-Clean® removable base makes them easy to clean.

Wild Birds Unlimited Ground FeederSeed Blends for Ground-feeding Birds

  • Our Deluxe Blend is loaded with sunflower and safflower seeds and millet.
  • Millet is high in carbohydrates and is especially good for attracting ground-feeding birds, such as native sparrows, juncos, and doves.
  • Offer Deluxe Blend in a ground feeder like our EcoTough® Covered Ground Tray.

(Nyjer® is a registered trademark of the Wild Bird Feeding Industry.)